Seva Prakalp Mission

  • To serve and strive for betterment of all groups of people of the society Specifically the neglected and depressed section irrespective of caste, creed, sex, language and place.

  • To take up projects for economic, social, and educational upliftment of Backward group of the society ,specific to the weaker section , schedule  caste and tribal sector.

  • To start, maintain and assist the institutions for skill up gradation and vocational Training in order to create self employment  opportunity in  rural area.

  • To assist poor and meritorious students to continue higher studies.

  • Create awareness in the Society for eco-friendly environment for pollution free Society.

  • To encourage for use of solar and non-conventional energy, use of  Cow dong and urine for putting up bio-gas plant and   manufacturing of  PANCHGABYA medicine.

  • It will seek and receive financial and other assistance from Govt. and Non-Govt. agencies for implementation of various developmental projects.    

  • Create awareness among women for their involve in social and Developmental activities in order to make them economically independent and save from exploitation.

  • To set up centers for counseling and settlement of oppressed Women in order provide them legal shelter and rehabilitation.

  • To help to the needy people at the time of natural calamity.

  • To encourage cultural activities in order to create understanding.