· Health Care.
· Education
· Balkalyan Ashram.
· Goshala
· Vocational training
A. Health Care:
Activities under taken:
(i) Maintained the existing hospitals & health centers.
(ii) Measures are taken to set up new health centers at rural Tribal areas.
(iii) Organize health check up camps and creates health Care awareness. Special attention for Eye-Site (Cataract Operation).
(iv) To create Swasthya Sevaks through regular training.
(ii) Measures are taken to set up new health centers at rural Tribal areas.
(iii) Organize health check up camps and creates health Care awareness. Special attention for Eye-Site (Cataract Operation).
(iv) To create Swasthya Sevaks through regular training.
(v) To assist the needy health centers for proper functioning.
B. Education:
(i) To assist the existing schools & colleges are to provide quality education.
(ii) To assist for Maintenance of the existing chhatravas (Hostels) and develop the inmates for a noble citizen.
(iii) To organize health check up camps and creates health care awareness by the staff and students in their periphery.
(iv) To create Swasthya Sevaks/ Sevikas through regular training.
(v) To assist the needy students for higher studies
C. Balkalyan Ashram:
(i) The existing balkalyan ashrams are assisted for Providing quality education to orphan children and build up moral character to be good citizen of the Nation.
(ii) To provide self employment opportunity through vocational training for their rehabilitation .
(iii) To provide technical education & higher studies as the case to case basis.
(ii) To provide self employment opportunity through vocational training for their rehabilitation .
(iii) To provide technical education & higher studies as the case to case basis.
D. Goshala:
(i) To protect Go- Sampada from Slater house through the existing goshalas to take up the care of old animals those are discarded by the people
(ii) To train the children of balkalyan ashram /Chhatrabash to participate in go-seva activities and create awareness in the villages by them.
(i) To protect Go- Sampada from Slater house through the existing goshalas to take up the care of old animals those are discarded by the people
(ii) To train the children of balkalyan ashram /Chhatrabash to participate in go-seva activities and create awareness in the villages by them.
E: Vocational Training:
(i) To take action to set up new need base vocational training centers for Creating opportunity of self-employment through different Govt. schemes.
(ii) To setup /assist training centers for imparting Vocational training for skill up gradation in order to Create opportunity for self-employment specifically for Women.
(iii)To create linkage with financing agencies for Supporting the self-Employment Projects.